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Monday, June 26, 2006

WHY IS IT.....?

Why is it when people get old they do some of the things they do? What do I mean ? Well ...... They can not miss a game show for anything! Price is Right , Wheel of Fortune , millionaire , and Deal or No Deal, are the most important things to them! All will break loose the day Bob Barker kick the bucket!

Chewing with mouth closed is out of the question! These seem to have their conversations while eating!

The wear the same clothes for days . The may bath but forget putting on clean clothes! The say. " I don't do anything . So why change everyday"

And if they get mad at you, they go to their room and say I am so tired , I just need to rest.

Ok so not all old people are old people are like this. But those that are ..... Why? I hope I am not like this when I get old. Want to be a fun old person.