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Thursday, March 08, 2007


It does not seem like the ripe age of 37 can really be upon me ! I still feel like I am in my 20's . Sometimes , I look at myself in the mirror , and think " O my goodness ! that can not be me!" It seems I look more and more like my Grandmother did at this age . I talk the same and feel the same but somehow do not look the same at all! It really depresses me . I thank God thatI have a husband that loves me no matter how I look . But I sure would kill to have the body I had at 18 ! Not have to wear glasses anymore ( I have had to since the birth of Jeremy . No moister in my eyes anymore ) not that I look that bad in them ...but still. And there is no way I will have surgery . Had a friend that hers went wrong . So, I am too scared. Oh well , guess Iwill have to live with the fact , We all get old some day ! :) But why me!!!!!!!!!!!


depjbrothers said...

I felt kind of strange reading what you wrote, because I was going through almost the exact same feeling last week. Last Friday, I found out I may not be able to wear contacts anymore (after almost 25 years of wearing them-YIKES). That got me a little depressed about my looks and getting older. I decided to do something more productive than worry, so I start walking...I walked twice last week and felt a little better...I may not look as cute as I did 20 years ago, but my life is much better!!!

flaredblond said...

I changed my hair style and bought a new Tyboe dvd . Hopefully this will help .:)
My life is much better too , then it was in my 20's . God knows I never want to live life like I did then . It was a wild time !

Erica Hanks said...

Here, here! My life is better too, even if I look like CRAP! :)

I am trying to "count my blessings"!