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Thursday, April 26, 2007


Last night , after tucking in my three year old , he began to call out . " Ma Ma , help me . A monster ." My husbamd and I went into his room to get the monster out . My husband hit the floor yelling for it to leave . I called for to leave also . My son began to say " no , no " , and craweled under the bed . He then pulled out his cookie monster houseshoe . " Here it is ", he said ," the monster out ."


Erica Hanks said...

LOL! What is it with kids and monsters? Where do they get these ideas? We had to use Monster Spray, (air freshner) to keep the monsters out of Kaydens room. At least he's past that phase now!

Nadine said...

Kids say the cutest things. Thank you for your kind comments about my book blog.

I'm glad to be back reading some blogs, I've been sick but I'm better now.