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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

All Dogged Out

Right after I wrote my last post , Rob and I got out and cleaned up my parents yard . I went in to shower and after I got out and redressed , I saw rob outside taking pictures . I asked my Dad what he was doing . He informed me that the dog next door had gotten out again and was coming after my dog again ! Rob was taking Pictures of the dog to show that he was out . He also took a video of him running around and the other neighbor putting him back in his yard . We called animal control and it took them 30 minutes to get there .
After they got there , Rob talked to them and they called the police. The animal control guy said he and the cop from the first night , were both afraid of the dog too . They could not keep him because the did not have enough evidence against him . Meaning he did not hurt anyone , so they had to give him back. He also told Rob that the owner was 18 , did not live next door , but his girlfriend's Mom did and she was taking care of the dog . he also told the animal control guy that he was a lier , the cop was a leir and I and my Mom were liers . By the way the dog does not have rabbie shots and they still gave him back with the guy promising to get them .
The police took the report and told Rob to bring the pictures and video to the station . Now we have to wait for a court hearing . The dog is chained up next door . However, I have seen a Pitbull( the one here in Morenci ) break a big chain before . Wish us luck !


peebugg said...

wow.....I'm sorry you are dealing with all of that. When I was growning up a black chow used to chase me home everyday!!! and the owners never did anything.

flaredblond said...


Erica Hanks said...

That is just nuts! I'm glad Rob has video proof!