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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

My Hero

Sitting and watching the things that have been going on in my life , I have to say that truly , my Mom is my all time hero . I may never tell her this but I think she already knows. I look up to her so much and wish that I could be more like her .
She is a women of great faith and very dedicated to her family . She has overcame a near death sickness and gives all she can to everyone .

9 years ago she became very ill , with lots of pain and throwing up . She never had been sick ,that I can remember . This was not an easy time . The Dr found that she had Pancrentitice and Gall stones . They had to wait for 3 months before they could do surgery . She was a very sick women ! We they finally did the surgery , they had to remove 90% of her pancreas . She also got Candious of the Blood ( a yeast infection in the blood ) . They told us she would not make it . But , through much faith and prayer she is here today . She no longer has the candious !

Through all this , my Dad had and has Emphezema . He is in the last stages and on Hospice now . My Mom stays by his side all the time , giving him food , water , and meds . She is worn out but keeps on going and giving all the love she has . She has only let me see her cry a couple of times through this .

She also is always there to listen to me and my problems . Understanding and praying for me and my family . She helps me so much with the boys too .
My mom is an amazing person . Always helping others and loving God with her whole heart . I don't know what I would have or would do without her .I thank God everyday for my hero ... my mom .


Erica Hanks said...

You do have an awesome mom! I'm sad she has had to go through so much. And your dad too. I'll say prayers for them both.