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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Small Town Halloween

We just got back from taking the boys Trick Or Treating . And I have to say , it was the best Halloween I have ever seen . We live in a mining town in AZ , so it is very safe . The whole town was out ! It seemed like a Halloween from the 50's or from an old Halloween family movie .
Lucas was of coarse Spider man ( who wasn't ) and Jeremy was a bear .Everyone acted like Lucas was the only Spider man . And all was as nice as could be . It was like I was dreaming .
We first went down our block , then came home and handed out candy , while I got the little one to bed . Mind you our bags where half way full . And not with crap candy but the good stuff ! Then Lucas and I went down to the streets where EVERYONE was at . I only took down 3 blocks of that , and we were very tired . So, back home , we came with now a full bag of good candy . Very good Halloween . Wish it could be this safe everywhere . Now to try to get Lucas to bed .LOL!!! Good luck , huh ! :)


Erica Hanks said...

Kayden was Spiderman too, but he wouldn't wear his mask. He said it tickled his eyebrows.

We just went around our neighborhood. Unfortunatly, they were all giving out "good" candy too, and handfuls of it. I have resisted so far. It needs to go away soon!

Unknown said...

Where in AZ are you? I'm in Cave Creek but was born in San Manuel just east of Globe. Your comment about a small mining town is what makes me ask. San Manuel was a copper mining town in it's hay day.

Take care!