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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Lucas' Dr. Appointment

Wed . we headed out to Phoenix for Lucas to go see a Hemotalogist . he had a blood test done three weeks ago , with bad results . So , our Dr. told us we needed to see another Dr. After six phone calls , we finally found one at the Childrens' Hospital in Pheonix . I was very worried about the whole thing . The Sunday night after we had made the appoinytment , I could not sleep . So , I got up and prayed all night long .
Fear really set in when we got to the hospital . The sign said " Blood disorders and cancer " . We walked in and I had to go in the bathroom because I began to cry . We saw three bald children and one leaving from treatment in a red wagon .My faith was sinking ! What if he had cancer !
The Dr. was wonderful ! First thing she did , was inform me he in no way had cancer . He was being seen for Aniema . She wanted to run blood work on him to see how it was . His records had shown it in him since birth . Well , the lab tech came in and took blood . He was so cool ! he told Lucas that our blood is blue inside but in turns out red when it hits oxygen . Lucas took it all in . he loves medical things .
As this was going on , they talked to us about staying in the Ronald McDonald house for the night , since we had a long drive home . I was so honored that God was blessing us ! It was going to cost us $10 for the night !
After the test was done , we went to the Ronald McDonald house . What a great place ! They are angels !
We then went out for a bit to ease nerves . As we were out , the Dr . called us . She had the results back . She was so excited and sounded as if she was about to cry . She reported to us, that Lucas' blood was NORMAL ! No signs of a virus or Anmiea !
Prayer works ! And Miricles still happen ! I am so happy and thankful for God's blessings !