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Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Monday was the day from hell!! Lucas had meltdown after meltdown . So, when his daddy came home from work , I sent him outside with his daddy . I thought I would let him run out his energy before bedtime .
The baby was not feeling well , he is cutting teeth , so he was not happy that day as well . I was getting him ready for bed while Lucas was out playing with the dog . My husband was out putting an exercise machine together in the garage . It was not long after letting Lucas out , I felt I needed to go out and check on him . He was talking to his dad and playing , so I came back inside . A few more minutes went by and I felt I needed to go back out there to see what the little guy was up too . Good thing I did !! He had the bug spray and was spraying on him . He saw me and yelled " Help me , Help me ! " It looked like he may have sprayed some in his face and maybe his mouth !!!! Not taking any chances , my husband called 911 while I ran inside , washed Lucas off and rinsed out his mouth . The operator looked up the brand of bug spray and found that it did not harm humans . Thank God !!!! I gave Lucas a good bath , brushed his teeth and put him to bed . My husband hid the bug spray in a better place . Hopefully Lucas will not find it again .
You can watch your kids very close , think they are OK and in a blink of an eye , they can get into trouble ! Wish we had more eyes to watch them . Thank God for that still small voice inside and that I listened to it !


Erica Hanks said...

It's true, and it only gets worse the older they get. Wait until they're teenagers!